Classroom for
The Teaching
of Vatican II
– Part 2
with Mark A. Brumley
Few events in the history of the modern Catholic Church have been as far-reaching as the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). And few have been as controversial. No one denies great changes have come about since the close of the Council. Have the changes been all good, all bad, or a mixture of both? To what extent were the changes, for good or ill, the result of the Council itself? This course explores how the teaching of Vatican II’s four Constitutions is developed and applied by the Council’s Decrees and Declarations.

This course explores how the teaching of Vatican II’s four Constitutions is developed and applied by the Council’s Decrees and Declarations. These documents present Catholic teaching and pastoral directives concerning 1) the various people of the Church (bishops, priests, laity, religious; Eastern Catholics); 2) the enrichment of the Church’s mission (missionary activity, social communications, and Christian education); and 3) Catholic relations with those not in full communion with the Church (ecumenism with other Christians, dialogue with other religious believers and nonbelievers) and religious liberty.

Session 1 – June 6, 2023
Getting Started
- Introduction to the Course
- Background to Vatican II
- The Hermeneutic of the Council
- An Overview of Four Constitutions-on Liturgy, Revelation, the Church, and the Church and the Modern World
Session 2 – June 13
The People of God – part 1