Knights pray rosary for police for Fatima anniversary
On Saturday, October 14, the Knights of Columbus Council St. Joseph the Workman at Star of the Sea Parish held their 4th Annual public Rosary in front of the Richmond District Police Station in San Francisco.
The annual event coincides with the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Portugal on October 13, 1917.
“Our Lady of Fatima asked that all of us pray the rosary, daily,” said Grand Knight Ron Merida, who coordinated the effort. ” We implore God to have mercy on our country and protect our police.”
The police have come under much scrutiny in recent years, said Knights spokesperson Sean Sullivan. “By holding the rally at the police station, the Knights want to show their appreciation for the sacrifices law enforcement makes, and that they are remembered,” he said.
The Miracle of the Sun in 1917 marked the last in a series of six Marian apparitions to three shepherd children in Fatima. Our Lady promised the children that on the last of her appearances she would provide a sign so people would believe her, and her message. More than 70,000 — believers and skeptics alike — witnessed the 10-minute solar miracle where the sun appeared to move, change colors and ‘dance’ in a unprecedented way.
— Edited from material supplied by Sean Sullivan, Knights of Columbus Council St. Joseph the Workman, Star of the Sea Parish, San Francisco