Archbishop blesses new parish garden at Our Lady of Angels
By Mary Powers
On Sunday, June 4, Archbishop Cordileone joined the vibrant parish community of Our Lady of Angels (OLA) in Burlingame for a joyful day celebrating the opening of their new garden. The event included Mass with the Archbishop followed by a blessing of the garden.
The OLA Garden project began during the pandemic to provide a place for parishioners to gather together and build community. It is open for private prayer and reflection as well as groups to gather for bible studies or after Mass several times a year for “Café OLA.”
In his homily, the Archbishop spoke of the biblical references to the garden as a symbol of paradise, as well as a place where one is closest to God.
“I commend you creating this place for meditation, spiritual and physical refreshment, soothing balm for the soul and place to simply be in God’s presence,” said Archbishop Cordileone. “Take full advantage of what this garden has to offer as a reminder of the mystery we celebrate today: the dignity with which God has endowed us at our creation, to walk with Him and seek always His companionship, that our mind and heart may be open to the working of the Holy Spirit who draws into the communion of the Most Holy Trinity, where we find our purpose and destination for which He has created us.”
At the end of Mass, Father Michael Mohoney, O.F.M.Cap., pastor of Our Lady of Angels, spoke of the history of the garden and the importance of coming together in a beautiful sacred space for fellowship and companionship.
Following Mass, Archbishop Cordileone blessed the new garden and joined parishioners for refreshments. The parish also surprised the Archbishop with a cake for his birthday.
Photos by Mary Powers