Laura Bertone receives top diocesan liturgical commission award
By Christina Gray
The longtime director of the Office of Worship for the Archdiocese of San Francisco was named recipient of the 2024 Alleluia Award from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC).
Laura Bertone, who served the office of worship for 13 years, accepted the award on Oct. 3 at the FDLC’s annual meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
“Laura was so deserving of this award,” Rita Thiron, FDLC executive director told Catholic San Francisco.
The FDLC was founded by the U.S. Bishops Committee on Liturgy in 1969. Its members represent diocesan liturgical commissions and the directors of offices of worship. According to fdlc.org, the organization serves and supports the clergy and faithful of U.S. dioceses by providing leadership, scholarship and resources to aid in the “authentic implementation and celebration of the liturgy.”
The Alleluia Award is awarded annually to one member who has served the FDLC with distinction, generously sharing his or her skills, wisdom and resources “in order to promote sound liturgical practice and to advance the liturgical renewal,” the website states.
Bertone served on the FDLC’s Board of Directors for two terms, according to Thiron. She served for five years as treasurer and one year as board chair, during which she shared a “wealth of personal and professional gifts at the service of the Federation.”
“Under her leadership, the FDLC was blessed by her kindness, her clear vision of policy, her constant advocacy, and her generous spirit,” said Thiron. “She demonstrated an astute attention to detail, a keen respect for liturgy, and an invaluable knowledge of sound financial practices.”
Bertone served as director of the Office of Worship for the Archdiocese until August when she began a new role as controller of Holy Cross Catholic Cemeteries in Colma. Her mix of liturgical and financial expertise makes her a unique asset.
“The Alleluia Award was a total surprise and a great compliment,” she said. “I am pleased to continue to serve the Archdiocese and the wonderful Catholics in our area in other ways, and I will always remain committed to encouraging the full, active and conscious participation of the faithful in liturgy.”
Bertone holds a degree in finance from the University of Santa Clara. She spent 20 years in the banking industry and 15 years as the CFO of an engineering firm. She has a master’s in theological studies from the University of Notre Dame and is currently completing a licentiate in Canon Law at St. Paul University in Canada.
Learn more about the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions at fdlc.org.
Christina Gray is the lead writer for Catholic San Francisco.
Photo caption: Laura Bertone, center, former director of the office of worship for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, received the 2024 Alleluia Award from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions on Oct. 3. She is pictured with Rita Thiron, left, executive director of the FDLC, and John Michael Reyes, a member of the FDLC and a liturgist/cantor serving the Archdiocese of San Francisco. (Photo courtesy of FDLC).