Giving and giving thanks around the Archdiocese
By Christina Gray
One of the best ways to count one’s blessings at Thanksgiving is by sharing them with others. Catholic San Francisco has compiled a list of these opportunities in parishes and schools around the Archdiocese. Please call your parish office to ask for other opportunities to express your gratitude by supporting ministries in your parish community.
Cards of Mercy for prisoners
Restorative Justice Ministry
“People in prison are still human beings made in the image and likeness of God,” according to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at usccb.org in describing the act of visiting prisoners, one of the seven Corporal Acts of Mercy. “No matter what they have done, they deserve the opportunity to hear the Word of God and find the truth of the message of Christ,” the Bishops write.
The Archdiocese’s Restorative Justice Ministry offers an opportunity to share these messages of hope with the incarcerated at Thanksgiving:
Students, families, and adults will hand-draw and write simple “Cards of Mercy” with messages of hope that are delivered to the incarcerated in San Francisco and San Mateo County jails.
When: Tues., Nov. 12, 9:30 a.m to 4 p.m.
Where: Archdiocesan Pastoral Center
1 Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, CA 94109
Visit: sfarchdiocese.org/volunteer*
Contact: Julio Escobar, [email protected], or (415) 614-5572
Includes lunch, drinks and snacks.
*Volunteers are also needed to deliver meals and cards to prisoners held in San Francisco and San Bruno jails on Thursday, Nov. 21.
Turkey Drive
St. Emydius Parish, San Francisco
In 2012, St. Emydius parishioner Pierre Smit started collecting turkeys and other holiday staples for hungry San Franciscans to enjoy at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since then the SF Turkey Drive, sfturkeydrive.com, has spread its wings to become an annual community tradition that over the last five years has provided almost 300,000 holiday meals.
The SF Turkey Drive includes two drive-through food donation dates where frozen turkeys, hams, and boxed vegetables can be dropped off. Online cash donations can also be made at sfturkeydrive.com to benefit either St. Anthony’s Dining Room in the Tenderloin, or the SF/Marin Food Bank, according to Smit.
What: San Francisco Turkey Drive
When: Sat., Nov. 23, and Sat., Dec. 21 only
Where: 350 De Montfort Avenue, San Francisco
Visit: sfturkeydrive.com
Volunteer: sfturkeydrive.com/volunteer
Contact: Pierre Smit, [email protected], or 415-939-2410.
SVdP Turkey Drive
St. Charles Parish, San Carlos
The St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Charles Parish is hosting its annual food drive to benefit approximately 132 local families at Thanksgiving. It includes a one-day drive-through drop off of 12-15 lb. frozen turkeys. Cash donations can be made by dropping off a check made to SVdP Turkey Drive to the parish office. Donations can also be made online at stcharlesparish.org/turkeydrive.
When: Sun., Nov. 24, before noon Mass
Where: St. Charles Parish, outside Borromeo Hall,
880 Tamarack Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070
Visit: https://www.stcharlesparish.org/parish-groups/parish-groups/st-vincent-depaul-society/parish-groups/st-vincent-depaul-society/thanksgiving-turkey-drive
Contact: stcharlesparish.org, or (650) 591-7349
Canned food drive
St. Dominic Parish, San Francisco
The Dominican parish is hosing a canned food drive throughout November to give to struggling families and the unhoused in advance of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. The parish also give a bag of groceries to people who come to the parish office seeking support, so goods are always welcome.
Donations can be received either at the parish office from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or put in bins inside the communion rails. Canned food and staples of any kind are welcome, not just Thanksgiving or holiday meal related. A preference for easy-open or pull off tops was noted.
When: The entire month of November
Where: St. Dominic Parish, 2390 Bush St., San Francisco, 94115
Visit: stdominics.org
Contact: Hugh Richardson, (415) 567-7824, x117
Turkey Drive
St. Hilary School, Tiburon
The school is hosting a turkey drive to benefit unhoused persons and families struggling this Thanksgiving. Frozen turkeys donated to St. Hilary will be delivered to the St. Vincent de Paul Society Dining Room in San Rafael for their holiday meal preparation.
When: Sun., Nov. 17, before each morning Mass
Where: St. Hilary Parish, 761 Hilary Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920
Visit: sthilary.org
Contact: (415) 435-1122
Christina Gray is the lead writer for Catholic San Francisco.
Photo caption: St. Emydius parishioner Pierre Smit, (with sign), and volunteers of the SF Turkey Drive are pictured in 2023.