Easter Card Sorting with the Restorative Justice Ministry

Easter Card Sorting with the Restorative Justice Ministry
April 13, 2022
9:00am - 9:00pm
1 Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco, CA 94109
Volunteers are needed to sort out 900 cards and prepare Easter treats and messages.  The Easter treats and cards are given to people in custody at the San Francisco County jails.

Volunteers are welcome to come for part of the day, as their schedule permits.

Please RSVP to Julio Escobar.


Se necesitan voluntarios para ordenar 900 tarjetas y preparar golosinas y mensajes de Pascua. Las golosinas y tarjetas de Pascua se entregarán a las personas bajo custodia en las cárceles del condado de San Francisco.

Los voluntarios pueden venir por parte del día, según lo permita su horario.

Favor de confirmar tu asistencia con Julio Escobar.
Easter Card Sorting with the Restorative Justice Ministry
April 13, 2022
9:00am - 9:00pm
1 Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco, CA 94109
Julio Escobar
(415) 244-5594