Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption honors Archbishop Cordileone on 12th anniversary of his installation
By Catholic San Francisco
On Friday, Oct. 4, the faithful of the Archdiocese not only celebrated the solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi, but also recognized Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone on the 12th anniversary of his installation as Archbishop of San Francisco.
Friends of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption had been planning for some time a special gift and unique presentation for the Archbishop to commemorate the occasion. The idea was inspired by Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon and Pastoral Associate of Spiritual Care Support Ministries at the Archbishop’s Cathedral.

In 2019, Archbishop Cordileone visited a hamlet in Italy named Manoppello, where a reliquary that many believe bears the image of the face of Jesus at the moment of His resurrection. The precious veil and image protected by sheets of glass and visible from both sides has been venerated for 400 years. For decades, Manoppello had become a destination for pilgrims, popes, saints, and cardinals.
St. Padre Pio’s last documented case of bi-location before he died was before the relic of the Holy Face of Jesus at the shrine in Manoppello. Padre Pio had told his fellow Capuchins that the Holy Face of Manoppello was “the greatest relic of the Church.”
Modern scholars have confirmed that this image of the resurrected Jesus with eyes wide open corresponds perfectly to the face of the dead Christ on the Shroud of Turin.
“I encourage everyone who professes faith in Jesus Christ and love for Him to cultivate a devotion to this holy image He has left for us – a picture of the first instant of the Resurrection,” said Archbishop Cordileone following his visit to the relic in Manoppello in 2019.
A replica of this precious reliquary bearing the image of the Holy Face was created for Archbishop Cordileone and presented to him on Friday, October 4, in honor of his 12th anniversary as Archbishop. The replica was produced in Italy and was touched to the original image in Manoppello.

The replica reliquary was customized with the assistance of Deacon Sandoval with the coat of arms of the Archdiocese on the stem and the Coat of Arms of the Archbishop on the base. On the front stands St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the Archdiocese, flanked by medallions of co-patrons St. Joseph and St. Patrick. On the reverse side is a medallion of the patroness of the Cathedral, the mother church of the Archdiocese St. Mary of the Assumption.
This precious reliquary will be displayed at times at special events for all the faithful for prayer and veneration. Deacon Sandoval is exploring the formation of a “Holy Face of Manoppello Association” to promote devotion to and education on the Holy and Sacred Relic of the Resurrection. Read more about the reliquary here.

Cover photo: The presentation delegation of the Friends of the Archbishop included Augustine Pham, Promoter of the Devotion to the Holy Face; Rev. Jerald Geronimo, Associate Pastor and Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral; Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon and Pastoral Associate and Chair of the Committee of Friends and Donors; and Raymond Frost, Holy Face Historian and Blogger.