Catechists honored at St. Pius X Dinner
Over 200 people gathered on Thursday, May 12 to celebrate those who selflessly give of their time, treasure and talent to form souls in faith formation programs in parishes across the Archdiocese. The St. Pius X Dinner honors the many volunteers who for years have donated their time to serve the Church teaching adults, youth and children about the faith, forming them as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Sr. Celeste Arbuckle, Director of the Office of Faith Formation noted, “As we celebrate 50 years of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, we gather as catechists and friends to recognize the blessed years of service that has been given in parishes to faith formation. This is the vocation of our missionary discipleship. The Easter message to go out to all the world is taken to heart in each of you. What a gift to our archdiocese.”
At the dinner, the guests were honored with several awards including the St. Pius X Award for years of service, ranging from five years to sixty years; the Parish Catechetical Leader Award; and the Youth Service Award, presented to high school seniors who have exemplified a strong dedication of service in catechetical programs.

Archbishop Cordileone thanked the Catechists as well and emphasized the importance of stewardship, “I want to thank you for sharing of yourselves, sharing of your time and all the hard work you do to hand on the faith. This is the work of the Church. The essence the reason why Jesus founded the Church—to evangelize…people need to know the truth so they can be set free. Our Lord told us that he is the Truth. If we know the Truth, He will set us free. So people need to understand the beauty and wisdom of what He teaches.”

“I am overcome with how God uses us to make present the Good News. We need it so much today, Sr. Celeste told the Catechists in attendance, “You come with your life and skills to touch the hearts of families, children, teens and adults. The countless hours of preparation and work I am sure has earned them a crown with our saints in heaven. 1,386 years of catechetical ministry is outstanding.”
Awards given at the St. Pius X Dinner:
Director’s Award
The Directors Award is given to those individuals who have served the needs of the catechetical community in the Archdiocese of San Francisco in a special way outside of their ordinary ministry to the Church.
Sr. Nona Barairo, SFCC
Parish Catechetical Leader Award
The Parish Catechetical Leader Award (PCL Award) is presented to directors and coordinators of parish faith formation programs who have the responsibility to foster a high level of competency in Catholic formation in the Archdiocese of San Francisco at the parish or deanery level. With their professional skills, these directors and coordinators also provide efficient administration of the parish faith formation program and supervision and training of catechists.
Kathleen Folan—DRE, 5 years, St. Dominic Church, San Francisco
Maria Zenaida Camua-Madayag—DRE, 10 years, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Daly City
Sr. My Hahn Cao, DC—DRE, 15 years, Church of the Visitatcion (Vietnamese Community)
Kathy Sanford—DRE, 20 years, St. Thomas more Church, San Francsico
Youth Service Award
The Youth Service Award is presented to high school seniors who have exemplified a strong dedication to serve in parish catechetical programs and services.
Corpus Christi Church
Maria Belen
St. Gabriel Church, San Francisco
Clara Lucey
Our Lady of the Angels Church, Burlingame
Jacob Viduya
Richard Rabarra
Sean Roxas
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Daly City
Angel Hernandez Vega
Joan Danielle Cosino
St. Pius Church, Redwood City
Alex Young
Rhett Pedrin
St. Pius X Awards:
The St. Pius X Award is presented to those who have given generous years of service in forming adults, youth and children as disciples of Jesus Christ through catechetical ministry in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Five Years
San Francisco County
St. Anne of the Sunset Church
Matt Louie
St. Dominic Church
Daisy Crea
Franca Gardiulo
Jeff Barrett
Melanie Morey
Rochelle Lobo Bowen
Sherry Fan (6 years)
Solomon Joseph
St. Elizabeth Church
Cipriano Peneyra
Michael Walsh
St. Patrick Church
Alma A. Raymundo
Jennifer Sunga
Ma. Sheila B. Montemayor
St. Thomas More Church
Dr. Peter Hendler (7 years)
Church of the Epiphany
Jesus Pedroza
Teresita Adelantar
Marin County
St. Isabella Church
C.J. Martin
Monica Jones
Tom Dembski
St. Patrick Church, Larkspur
Mattie Morgan
Stephen Chui
Michele Chui
Chris Miloslavich
San Mateo County
All Souls Church
Tess Valido (6 years)
Melvin Cifuentes
Mater Dolorosa Church
Rick Karlegan
Elmira Castro
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Dion Madayag
Jordan Tyler Maralit
St. Augustine Church
Araceli Antonio
Yolanda Laurente
Mariah Tolentino
Louie Fernandez
Deo Acosta
Elsa Rozal
Erlan Tapawan
Angelique Rose Argarin
Ana Valera Quijano (7 years)
St. Dunstan Church, Millbrae
Terri Cuellar
St. Luke Church, Foster City
Martha Lopez
Michelle Ostrowski
Evelyn Torres
Georgina Unson
Teresa Alvarez
Aileen Choi
Andrew Choi
Jana Cadiz
Tomilo Haber
St. Pius Church, Redwood City
Mary Chacon
St. Veronica Church
Christine Dunn Barela
Ten Years
San Francisco County
Corpus Christi Church
Aida Grona
Migdalia Guzman
St. Agnes Church
Leonor Barnett
Mary English
St. Elizabeth Church
Richard John
Marin County
St. Patrick Church, Larkspur
Julia Ritter
Susie Spurr
Cristina Reyes-Turner
Cliodna O’Donnell (13 years)
Terry Lee (14 years)
Joe Meylan (14 years)
San Mateo County
All Souls Church
Jeanette De La Rosa
Blanca Jimenez
Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Redwood City
Caritina Cuevas
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Daly
Maria-Zenaida Camua Madayag (12 years)
Raidel Calayag
Jianbert Calayag (9 years)
Isaiah Sonza (8 years)
Diana Villalobos (8 years)
St. Augustine Church
Roweena Castelo
Juliet Quevedo
Romeo Quevedo
Anna Valera Quijano
Linda Del Castillo
St. Bartholomew Church
Christina Natoli
St. Dunstan Church, Millbrae
Tatyana Larson
St. Pius Church, Redwood City
Houda Baladi
Maryann Barry
St. Veronica Church
Suzanne Correa
Fifteen Years
San Francisco County
Church of the Epiphany
Ruby Gualberto
Julita Zaratan
St. Anne of the Sunset Church
Sr. Mary Francis
St. Dominic Church
Yvonne Sallaberry-Perez
Lisa Considine
St. Patrick Church, San Francisco
Rachelle V. Morales
Juliana Reyes-Santos
St. Thomas More Church
Deacon Arthur Sanchez
San Mateo County
All Souls Church
Maria Barcelata Long
Holy Angels Church
Sr. Merced Gumban, OP
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Daly City
Maria Harris (14 years)
Maria Zenaida Camua-Madayag
Porre Monservas (14 years)
St. Augustine Church, So. San Francisco
Charity Garcia-Macapinlac
Olivia Ignacio Nunez
Deacon Nestor Fernandez II
Twenty Years
St. Thomas More Church, San Francisco
Kathy Sanford
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Redwood City
Maria Miranda
St. Augustine Church
Lilian Mutas
Cynthia Lozano
Lita Songco
St. Bartholomew Church
Danette Magilligan
Vicky Filipczyk
Mary Roybal
St. Veronica Church, So. San Francisco
Donna Durkee
Twenty Five Years
Corpus Christi Church, San Francisco
Lucia Veronica Rodriguez
Holy Angels Church, Colma
Jeannette Luna
St. Dominic Church, San Francisco
Margaret McCracken
Sara Stephens
Church of the Visitacion, San Francisco
Steve Rouse
Thirty Years
St. Patrick Church, San Francisco
Nenette Platero Murata
St. Thomas More Church, San Francisco
Deacon Abbie Nepomuceno
St. Augustine Church, So. San Francisco
Joyce Legaspi-Valiao
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Daly City
Evelyn Villegas (32 years)
Thirty Five Years
St. Dominic Church, San Francisco
Alfredo Neira
St. Gabriel Church, San Francisco
Nancy Porter
Holy Angels Church, Colma
Donald Simon
St. Pius Church, Redwood City
Donna Schreiber
Thirty Eight Years
St. Augustine Church, So. San Francisco
Nerissa Broas
Forty Seven Years
St. Augustine Church, So. San Francisco
Elenor Breite
Sixty Years
Our Lady of the Angels Church, Burlingame
Johna Maychrowitz