Archbishop Cordileone Closes Jubilee Year for Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

By Catholic San Francisco

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone celebrated Mass on November 29, 2024, marking the conclusion of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration’s Holy Year. This year-long celebration commemorated the bicentennial of the death of their foundress, Blessed Maria Maddalena of the Incarnation.

In his homily, Archbishop Cordileone reflected on the life of the order’s foundress, emphasizing her transformative vision of Christ. This experience inspired her to establish the Congregation of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, a community devoted to Eucharistic adoration day and night. “Her presence to her Bridegroom brought her the true jewels in life: holiness,” the Archbishop said, highlighting the spiritual legacy of Blessed Maria Maddalena.

The Jubilee Year began November 2023 with a focus on Eucharistic devotion and community. Throughout the Jubilee Year, the Sisters organized events to honor their Foundress and deepen devotion among the faithful. The Archbishop lauded their work, noting their central role in fostering Eucharistic faith within the Archdiocese.

The Archbishop Cordileone thanked the sisters for their dedication, particularly as the Church continues its Eucharistic Revival efforts. “Thank you for showing us where to find the true jewels in life and for enkindling within us the desire to live in a way receptive to God’s gift of holiness,” he said.

The conclusion of Holy Year for the sisters also brought an end to the Jubilee indulgence offered to those who came to the Monastery to pray.

Photo: Noreen McKiernan