2024 Restorative Justice Month
Dear colleagues, friends, and community partners,
As we prepare to welcome the month of November, we hope your hearts are filled with hope and renewal.
November marks Restorative Justice Month, a sacred time for us to come together in reflection and prayer. This month, we honor the transformative work of the Restorative Justice Ministry and all those touched by its mission – victims, offenders, family members, and our broader community.
Let us use this time to deepen our commitment to healing, reconciliation, and justice.
Together, we can foster a community where every voice is heard, every wound is tended to, and every soul finds peace.
Below you will find suggested reflections and prayers of the faithful for each week of November. These resources are also available for download in PDF form in English and Spanish.
Call to Action: We invite you to actively participate in our Restorative Justice Month activities. Whether through prayer, community service, or simply spreading awareness, your involvement is crucial. Let us stand united in our efforts to bring about healing and justice.
Additionally, we encourage you to watch a special message from Archbishop Cordileone on the importance of restorative justice. His insights and support are invaluable to our mission. You can watch the video below.

Week 1 – Sunday, November 3, 2024
We pray for crime survivors and for those killed violently.
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time – Gospel Mk 12:28b-34
“You are not far from the kingdom of God.”
Reflection on Restorative Justice: This passage from the Gospel of Mark emphasizes the greatest commandments: to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. These commandments can provide profound guidance for addressing the needs of crime survivors and honoring those who have been killed violently. For crime survivors, loving God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength can be a source of immense comfort and resilience. This deep connection with God can provide the strength needed to navigate the aftermath of violence, offering hope and healing. It encourages survivors to seek spiritual support and find solace in their faith.
Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful
We pray:
1. That Jesus, the Master of Peace, join all the suffering experienced by crime, and all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit, to His own sorrowful passion.
2. For the victims of violence all over the world, especially our friends and loved ones who may have been hurt recently or in the past and still need healing. May God touch their wounded hearts and souls with His healing hands and infuse hope for a brighter future in their lives.
3. For all victims of violence who struggle with taking revenge into their own hands, may God turn their despair into hope, their hate into love, and their anger into joy. Help them seek reconciliation with those who have caused them harm and find the strength to forgive those who have trespassed against them.
4. That God empower all doctors, nurses, therapists, and counselors who meet people victimized by all kinds of abuse and harm. We pray that those affected by violence overcome all trauma and mental damage caused by violence. Please read the 2024 Restorative Justice Month page below.

Week 2 – Sunday, November 10, 2024
We pray for prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Gospel Mk 10:17-30
“Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury.”
Reflection on Restorative Justice: This passage from the Gospel of Mark contrasts the behavior of the scribes with the humble, sincere offering of the poor widow. It highlights themes of humility, sincerity, and the value of genuine sacrifice, which can be applied to the context of prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families within the restorative justice framework. Restorative justice emphasizes healing and reconciliation over punishment. This aligns with the widow’s example of giving from the heart. Encouraging prisoners and ex-prisoners to participate in restorative practices allows them to take responsibility for their actions and contribute to the healing process. It also provides an opportunity for victims and communities to receive genuine apologies and reparations.
Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful
We pray:
- For all the incarcerated people in prisons and jails throughout our nation. May God shed His abundant mercy on all offenders and prisoners behind bars, as well as the ex-prisoners.
- For all prisoners suffering from a sense of hopelessness, despair, and guilt. May the Lord shine His face upon them and bring them out of darkness, leading them to sincere, heartfelt repentance and a change in their ways.
- That the family members of those in prison receive consolation and courage to carry on in life and stay in communication with their incarcerated loved ones. We pray that they may seek to connect with the families of victims and strive for forgiveness and mutual solidarity.
- Lord Jesus, you have said that you have come to set the captives free. Please bring our incarcerated brothers and sisters close to You, stand by them in their trials, and give them the strength to rehabilitate themselves.

Week 3 – Sunday, November 17, 2024
Pray for the reform of our nation’s criminal justice and immigration system so that it becomes more open in its solutions to rehabilitating people and family unity.
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Gospel Mk 13:24-32
“Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near.”
Reflection on Restorative Justice: This passage from the Gospel of Mark speaks of significant changes and the coming of the Son of Man, symbolizing a transformative period. It encourages us to be attentive and prepared for these changes, much like the fig tree that signals the arrival of summer. This message can be applied to the reform of our nation’s criminal justice and immigration systems, emphasizing the need for transformation towards more restorative and humane practices. The passage highlights the gathering of the elect from all corners, symbolizing inclusivity and unity. Restorative justice practices focus on repairing harm and restoring relationships, involving all stakeholders in the process. This approach can be applied to both criminal justice and immigration systems, ensuring that individuals are treated with dignity and given opportunities to make amends and reintegrate into society.
Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful
We pray:
- For the immediate changes needed in our nation’s criminal justice and immigration systems. Open the hearts of all who can make this a reality.
- Father God, grant the grace of healing and understanding to all the ministers who bring hope, love, and faith to those who have been victims of crime and those who have been unjustly incarcerated.
- Dear Lord, we believe that You created all humans in Your image. Keep inspiring and transforming the lives of the people who volunteer their time in prison ministries, so they may become channels of Your peace to all detainees and prisoners behind bars.
- God of justice, please stop the fast-growing prison industry in the United States, where two-thirds of the incarcerated population are African American and Latino men. Inspire legislators to abolish unjust laws and focus their energy on improving the education and criminal justice systems, particularly towards re-entry programs.

Week 4 – Sunday, November 24, 2024
Pray for communities’ response to violence and their willingness to play their role within the restorative justice and practices lens.
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – Gospel Jn 18:33b-37
“Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Reflection on Restorative Justice: In this passage, Jesus speaks about His kingdom being not of this world and emphasizes His mission to testify to the truth. These themes can be deeply relevant to the principles of restorative justice. Jesus’ kingdom is transformative, offering a new way of living based on love and truth. Restorative justice aims to transform individuals and communities by addressing the root causes of violence and fostering a culture of respect and accountability. This transformation is not just about resolving a specific incident but about creating lasting change.
Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful
We pray:
1. For freedom from the bondage of collective fear and prejudice that plague our people. We pray that people today receive the calling to work for social and restorative justice, choosing to get actively involved in healing the lives of their neighbors.
2. For the welfare of our families that make up the foundation of our communities. Recognizing that the family is the building block of a Godly society, we pray for a return to the divine role that families once held. May we prepare our children to love and obey You, seek to live as You command, and fulfill Your will for their lives.
3. For the return of education and welfare to the role of the family from where they originated. We pray that families be raised to a level of importance and leadership influence in our society.
4. That new leaders emerge within our communities with the wisdom and compassion to help restore the lives of all family members affected by violence, both victims and offenders.
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Learn more about what we do throughout the year and ways to get involved: